Monday, October 1, 2007

Baby Girl Lola, Take #1

It's not much but it will keep her grandmothers happy for awhile.


Anonymous said...

I loved it. I just watched it 4 times and I might do it another 4 before I go back to work nancy

WT said...

Nancy Nanna or Nancy Gramma?

Anonymous said...

Nancy W. my friend says Lola is a doll, I just watched the video and shared it with her, love grandmama,

Anonymous said...

Great video!
Keep us the good work, she's a doll.

Anonymous said...

nana nancy the two nancy's are going to have to work something out

WT said...

"nana nancy the two nancy's are going to have to work something out"

I think that we just did. See comment #2 above. You're Nanna [nan-uh], my mom is Gramma [gram-awe].

Anonymous said...

Lola is so beautiful and such a reluctant Diva, nice to come home to after a long drive...can't wait to hold her...thanks ma and pa....great movie....Gramma

auntibeck said...

Wow! I am Ike and Katie's Mom Becky. I've just visited Lola's posts and I have to say she is an absolutely gorgeous "enfant!" Congratulations to you and your sweet family! I was thinking about her birth weight-- 7-11. We have 7-11 stores here, there's one on every corner it seems. But when you think about it, a 7-11 is a one-stop shop--it's a convenience store--it's got everything you really need; what you need for nourishment, what you need for intellectual stimulation (the newspaper :), sweets, staples; if you're in a hurry for a quick fix, it's there. In a way, your little perfect baby girl is your 7-11--she's filling all the empty places in your heart and everyone wants to go there! God bless you all--richly!

Wendy said...

I still can't figure out which Nancy is which! Mom just told me that your blog is far outshining mine; it is a little harder for me to videos taken of the inside of my stomach.
I loved the video :)

Ben said...

Wow. Great pics and an action packed video: this blog is some serious competition for FlyTimes: A Fly Fishing Blog.

Anonymous said...

I found out about Lola the day my wife called and said I needed to take the next float plane to Ketchikan. I'd have commented then, but I was a bit out of it. We're home now and mom and baby are fine.

Congratulations on your gorgeous firl and good luck and God bless you guys.

(ps. did you know she was a girl before delivery?)

Anonymous said...

make that girl, not firl...

Anonymous said...

stuffed, fuzzy trout an appropriate gift? Paint by numbers fly tying?

Babies can be so funny looking sometimes. Lola is 100% adorable and perfect. Blessings to your entire family.


Anonymous said...

More!More!....I just had the rarest of occassions, a patient cxl so I got to go to lunch, my friends took me to a "Lola Lunch", so I will pass on the largesse to Lola to have fun with, but now am concerned that someone may find my patient tied up in a closet somewhere! love gramma MOF

Anonymous said...

Lola is saying "who are you and what are you doing here"