Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pool Party For Dad's B-Day

Just the three of us.

6 comments: said...

First of all Mom,you look fantastic, and pops you know how happy I am to see her in water so young....these pictures are just so well as funny, the underwater one is hysterical....what a neat thing to do for your to all

Anonymous said...

Mom, you do look great. Beautiful blues! That thing is too cool. So glad to see Little Lola not afraid of the water.

Anonymous said...

PS - You don't look a year older. Fatherhood must be keeping you young!

Anonymous said...

Tallulah, Nancy, and Wendy want to be invited to the next water party. It looks like you had another great idea
but do you guarantee those diapers?

Shay said...

She's got legs! (A little ZZ Top, anyone?) How cute!

Ardel said...

adorable. and where did you get that water toy?