We had a great trip to the Olympic Peninsula a couple of weekends ago. Cooking in the tent, hanging out by the tent trailer, swimming in the hot springs, and combing the the tide pools...
Lola is moving all over the place these days. Crawling and Cruising along the furniture and anything else she can reach. Maybe that's why we have not had time to post for over a month?? (Excuses, excuses...)
Less than a month and Lola will be ONE!!! What a year!
Wow, finally and what a treat and PIGTAILS, boy has she grown just since July.....lots of love and thanks ma and pa, love gramma
Yay - I love the video - thank you!! Lola soup - yummmm!
We have an epidemic at the clinic today, my staff including several men are walking around singing...da da..dada...da da..dada LOLA's world, Lola's....la la lala...
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